Economics and politics - comment and analysis

Support Group

Some of our articles cannot be read free of charge and Flassbeck-economics is often asked if we can give people in need and students and pupils access for free. The problem is that it is   difficult for us to determine on the basis of an e-mail who is really needy and who can afford a subscription.

However, we understand that there are real problems. Therefore we allow access to fee-based articles to people in need, whatever their specific circumstances may be. Flassbeck-economics has a group of supporters. Supporters are financially well-off members who purchase multiple time passes. People who are willing and able to help are welcome to the supporters group at any time. The minimum contribution for supporters is € 300.00 per year. The support and the donations of our supporters give us the opportunity to give free access to people who satisfactorily explain to us why they cannot afford to pay. To show our gratitude to the supporters, we invite our circle and the staff of Flassbeck-economics once a year to a reception.
To benefit from a free time pass, you need to send an e-mail to, give your full mailing address and provide some details about yourself. Free access is then given according to the number of supporters. The e-mails of people asking for free access are processed in the order in which they are received.

We are aware that this procedure does not solve the problem of fair selection in a completely satisfactory way, but, on the other hand, we need to remain fair to our paying readers. We expect that those who apply for a free pass do not give any inaccurate information.
If you want to become a supporter of Flassbeck-economics, please register here.

Here is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) that deals with the LaterPay payment system. If you still have further questions about LaterPay, you are welcome to send an e-mail to